Homophone Riddles

Homophone Riddles make use of words that sound alike for creating a funny effect. They are a great way to learn new vocabulary. Solving a homophone riddle requires a knowledge of homophones in English.

Using homophone riddles in the classroom can increase student engagement. Some riddles will also spark laughter in the classroom and develop the imaginative skills of students. So, the next time you deal with homophones in the English classroom, make use of these riddles.

Is diarrhoea hereditary?Yes. It is sometimes in the jeans (genes).
Why is six afraid of seven?Because seven eight (ate) nine.
How can you tell twin witches apart?You cannot say which witch is which.
What trees come in two’s?Pair (pear) trees.
What insect runs away from everything?A flea. (flee)
What flower does everyone have?Tulips (two lips)
Where did the knights study?In night (knight) school.
What fly has laryngitisA horsefly (hoarse fly)
Why do bakers need the most?They need (knead) the dough.
Why is a mouse like hay?Because the cat'll (cattle) eat it.
Why is Friday night important to Julius’s girl friend?That's when Julius Caesar (sees her)
Where do you end up if you smoke too much?Coffin (coughin')
What profession requires only children?That of a miner (minor)
What vegetable is dangerous to have aboard a ship?A leak (leek)
Why do windows squeak when you open them?Because they have pains (panes)
When does a green book change colour?When it is red (read).
Why does a lion kneel before it springs on a deer?Because it is going to pray (prey).
What is the difference between a bus driver and cold?One knows the stops, the other stops the nose.
What is the cheapest boat?A sail (sale) boat.
Dogs have fleas. What do sheep have?Fleece.
What is the difference between a bell and a banana?You can peel (peal) the banana only once.
What is the difference between a dressmaker and a farmer?A dressmaker sews what he gathers, a farmer gathers what he sews.

Complete List of Homophones in English

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