Fears and Phobias: What are you afraid of?

Do fears and phobias hound you? From the fear of insects to that of washing, most people are afraid of one thing or the other. Even the most courageous of men; warriors, dictators and fighter pilots – have been found to be afraid of silly things like cockroaches and rats. The great Napoleon Bonaparte had a fear

A Speech for Children’s Day

How should we celebrate Children’s Day? Here is a short speech on the significance of  Children’s Day. Suitable for children aged 5-10. If there is something that all men like, it can be nothing else but children. They conquer our hearts with their angelic eyes and innocent smiles . It makes us realize that may be the way

Describing People: A Person’s Physical Appearance

English language has a variety of words for describing people, their physical appearance and way of walking. These words can be categorized into words that describe a person’s general appearance, eyes, ears, face, nose, arms, hair, height and build, etc. In this ESL lesson you will learn how to describe people and their physical characteristics.

Indian Words in English Explained

Indian words in English, popularly known as Anglo-Indian words, form a major category among the foreign words in English Language. Most of the Indian words in English crept into the English language during the British rule of India. These Indian words reflect the cultural diversity of India and are from different languages. Indian words in

Speeches for Juniors: The Importance of English in Education

Why we must learn English for a better future: a speech on ‘The Importance of English in Education’. It is suitable for children aged 5-10. Long ago, when God created human beings, they had only one language. And man grew so powerful that he tried to build a tower whose top would reach unto heaven.

A Speech on The Value of Education

Here is  a speech on ‘The Value of Education.’ It is suitable for juniors, especially for children aged 5-10. Distinguished guests, my dear teachers, and dear friends, Every little face I can see here came into this world, trailing clouds of glory from heaven. And suddenly the little angel finds himself filled with doubts, fears

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