Paper, Cotton, Silver: Anniversaries and Gift Ideas

An anniversary is a day that commemorates or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same date. If it is a planned event the initial occurrence is often called the inaugural of the event. One year later the first anniversary of that event is celebrated. The word was first used for Catholic feasts to

Adjectival Forms in English: Independent Adjectives

Adjectival forms of words in English are usually formed by adding suitable suffixes to nouns and verbs. Independent adjectives are those which cannot be formed by adding suffixes. They stand out as separate entities and often come from the Greek and Latin roots that refer to the particular thing or field of study. Adjectival forms of

Adjectives from Nouns and Verbs

Adjectives can be formed from nouns and verbs in English by adding a suitable suffix. For example the adjectival form of ‘joy’ can be formed by adding the suffix ‘ful’ to it. Thus it becomes ‘joyful’. Sometimes it can be a little harder when we have to remove a few letters and then add a

Boxing Terms Explained: The Vocabulary of Boxing

Were you confused by some of the terms used in the last boxing flick you watched on TV? Over the decades the world of boxing has coined a definite set of words to describe boxing weights, boxing styles, boxing equipment, and the different techniques and punches used in boxing. If you wonder what they mean

Mending Wall by Robert Frost: Summary and Analysis

Summary and analysis of Robert Frost’s Mending Wall, a poem with delightful wisdom at its core. Mending Wall is a true Robert Frost poem which analyses the nature of human relationships. Reading the poem feels exactly like peeling an onion. The reader analyses, philosophizes and goes deep inside in search of a definite conclusion which he

A Speech on Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is one of the hottest topics of today. The following is a speech on the need and importance of women empowerment in the present scenario. From my younger days I have always been fascinated by myths, and the magic world of gods and goddesses they opened before me. Today I know that they

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