Indian Words in English Explained

Indian words in English, popularly known as Anglo-Indian words, form a major category among the foreign words in English Language. Most of the Indian words in English crept into the English language during the British rule of India. These Indian words reflect the cultural diversity of India and are from different languages. Indian words in English are mostly derived from Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali, and Malayalam.

Most of the Indian words in English have an etymological connection to Sanskrit. But it has to be noted that very few of the English words of Sanskrit origin have entered the English language directly. Most of them came into English from their transformed versions in Hindi, Urdu, Bengali or Marathi. English words of Hindi origin form the major category of Indian words in English even though most of them are derived from Sanskrit. Most of the English words relating to South Indian life and culture came into the English language from Tamil and Malayalam. Many of them were first adopted into Portuguese and French. From these languages they gradually entered the English language.

The following is an extensive list of Indian words in English. Search by word or language to find the meaning and etymology of Indian words in English.

WordOrigin / EtymologyMeaning
Addafrom Bengali adda, a group of peoplea place where people of same interests gather for conversation.
Ahimsa from Sanskrit ahimsa, which means "not-harmful".
alvarfrom Tamil alvarr.sink, be absorbed (as in contemplation)
Ambarella from Sanskrit: ambarella, a kind of tree. Entered English through Sinhalese
Amrita from Sanskrit amrutam, nectar of everlasting life.
anacondapossibly from Tamil  yaanai kondra, "that which killed an elephant".The word may have entered English through Sinhalese henakandaya, "whipsnake".
anicutfrom Tamil  anaikattu, ("anai"=dam, "kattu"=building/structure)
Aniline from Sanskrit  nili. Entered English through German: Anilin, French: Aniline and Portuguese: Anil from Arabic  al-nili and Persian  nila,
Apadravya from Sanskrit apadravya which refers to a male genital piercing where a barbell passes through the penis. Mentioned in Indian literature in theKama Sutra
apefrom the Tamil word for a monkey, kapi, i.e., swift, nimble, active. It was first transformed to api and later to 'ape'
arhatfrom Sanskrit arhat which means "deserving".
Aryan from Sanskrit  Arya-s "noble, honorable". Entered English through Latin Ariana, from Greek  Areia.
Asana from Sanskrit  asana which means "seat", a term describing yoga postures.
Ashram from Sanskrit  asrama, a religious hermitage.
Atmanfrom Sanskrit atman meaning "essence".
Atoll from Sanskrit  antala. Probably entered English through Maldivean:
Aubergine from Sanskrit  vatigagama, meaning aubergine or eggplant in American English. Probably entered English through Catalan alberginera, via Arabic ( al-badinjan) and Persian ( badin-gan) ultimately
Avatar from Tamil "avataram" and Sanskrit  avatara, which means "descent". Refers to the human incarnation of God . Thus, Krishna and Rama were two of the ten avatars of Vishnu.
Ayurveda from Sanskrit  ayurveda, which means "knowledge of life".
baboofrom Hindi babu, meaning "father" 
BahasafromSanskrit bhasa, meaning  "language".
Bahuvrihi from Sanskrit  bahuvrihih, a composite word, meaning 'much rice.'
Bandanna from Hindi Bandhna,() which means to 'tie-dye,' a mode of dyeing in which the cloth is tied in different places, to prevent the parts tied from receiving the dye. A bright yellow or red silk handkerchief with diamond shaped spots left white while dyeing.
bandyfrom the Tamil word 'vandy' which means 'vehicle'.ox-cart
Bangle from Hindi Bangri , a ring of coloured glass worn on the wrist by women.
Banyan from Hindi baniyaa and Sanskrit  vanij, which means "a merchant".
Basmati from Hindi ultimately from Sanskrit  vasa, meaning 'fragrant'
Batik A textile dyeing technique in which areas not to be dyed are coated with wax producing an irregular, mottled motif or pattern. 
Bazaar from Hindi and Persian, a permanent market or street of shops.
Bazaar Indian and Middle Eastern term for a marketplace or a group of shops; in the West it refers to a charity sale of trinkets and other items. 
begumFrom Urdu begam which comes from Eastern Turkish bigim meaning "princess" 
Beryl from Sanskrit  vaidurya, and Prakrit  (veluriya). Actually of Dravidian origin, maybe from the name of Belur. Probably entered English through Old French beryl, via Latin beryllus, Greek
betelfrom Malayalam  vettila and Tamil  vettrilai where "vettru"=plant name and "ilai"=leaf.
Bhakti from Sanskrit  bhakti, which means "loyalty".
Bhang from Hindi  bhang, which is from Sanskrit  bhanga "hemp".
Bidi from Hindi bidi which comes from Sanskrit  vitika.
birkafrom Hindi burqa which came from persian / Arabic 
biryanifrom Hindi biryani which camefrom Persian biryan meaning "fried, roasted" 
Blighty from Hindi and Urdu vilayati "foreign", ultimately from Arabo-Persian "provincial, regional".Home' indicating Britain (as a term of endearment among British troops stationed in Colonial India):
bo (tree)from Sanskrit bodhi- "perfect knowledge". Entered English through  Sinhalese Buddhist usage.
Bodhisattvafrom Sanskit bodhi; "perfect knowledge" + sattva; "being" 
Bottle from Urdu Botul, rigid container.
Brahmin from Sanskrit  brahmana, from brahman.
Brinjal from Persian  badingan, probably from Sanskrit  bhantaki.
Buddha from Sanskrit  buddha, which means "awakened, enlightened", refers to Siddhartha Gautama, founder of Buddhism. Also refers to one who is enlightened.
Bungalowfrom Hindi  bangla & Urdu  bangla, literally, "(house) in the Bengal style". Derived from the Bengali word for hut,bangala.A small house of only one storey, usually surrounded by a large verandah.
Calico from the place name Calicut, India. The fine cotton stuffs of Malabar was originally mentioned by Marco Polo in the 14th century. 
candyfrom Sanskrit. khanda "piece (of sugar)," and Tamil kantu, kattu, or katta "to harden, condense". The word was gradually transformed to Persian qand "cane sugar," Arabic qandi, and Old French cucre candi "sugar candy".crystalized sugar
carambolafrom Marathi karanbal.
cashPossibly from Malayalam or Tamil  kasu
catamaranfrom Tamil  kattumaram ("kattu"=tie up, "maram"=tree/wood)
chakrafrom Sanskrit chakra; "wheel".
Charpoy A lightweight cot or bed, common throughout India. Usually a simple structure, it can sometimes be an elaborate creation, carved and painted. 
Cheetah from Hindi cita, , meaning "variegated" and Sanskrit chitraka, or chitrakaya, 'having a speckled body.' Also from Tamil 'chiruthai'.
cherootfrom Tamil  suruttu, meaning 'rolled' which was transformed to French cheroute.
Chili The pod of the red pepper (capsicum). The plant came to India from South America. 
Chint or Chintz The overall-patterned, often flower-covered, block-printed cotton fabric that has become synonymous with English-style decorating. Originally from the Sanksrit chitra, means variegated or speckled. 
chintzfrom Hindi chint which comes from Sanskrit citra "many-colored".The overall-patterned, often flower-covered, block-printed cotton fabric that has become synonymous with English-style decorating.
Chit from Hindi  Chitthi, a letter or note. The Tamil people use shit for a ticket, or for a playing-card.
Chuddar from Sanskrit  chatram which means screen, parasol etc. Entered English through Urdu  chaddar (cloth).
Chukar from Sanskrit  chakorah. Came to English via Hindi  chakor and Urdu  chukar.
Chukker from Sanskrit  chakra, and Hindi  chakkar, "a circle, a wheel".
Chutney from Hindi chatni, meaning "to crush"A spicy relish often made from mangoes, chili peppers, or tomatoes. The word is derived from the Hindi catni. 
Citipati from Sanskrit  chiti-pati, which means "a funeral pyre lord".A kind of Dinosaur
coirprobably from Malayalam  kayar, Tamil '' "kayiru" for rope or thread or to be twisted.
congeefrom Tamil kanji 
cooliePossibly from  cooli a Tamil word for "labour". Alternatively, it could refer to a tribe from Gujarat, whose members were frequently employed as manual laborers.
coolyfrom Tamil kuli hire, hireling
coprafrom the Malayalam word  koppara, coconut kernel or Tamil  kopparai /  koppara or Telugu word kobbera
corundumfrom a Tamil word for 'ruby',  kuruntham or  kuruvintham
cotfrom Tamil  kattil (bedstead) and Sanskrit khatva which became Hindi khat
cowrie, cowryfrom Sanskrit kaparda, Mahrati kavadi and Tamil  kotu (shell). Entered English via Hindi and Urdu kauri (small shell).
Crimson from Old Spanish cremesin, via Medieval Latin cremesinus from Arabic  qirmiz "a kermes", which is ultimately from Sanskrit  krmi-ja literally: "red dye produced by a worm."
Crocus from Sanskrit  kunkumam which later became Persian and Arabic  kurkum, which mean saffron or saffron yellow,  Aramaic  kurkama, Hebrew  karkom, and Greek  crocus.
Cummerbund from Hindi and Urdu kamarband , meaning "waist binding" [ultimately from Persian ]
curryfrom Tamil kari which means 'sauce'A spicy dish made of meat, fish or vegetables cooked with ground spices, red pepper and turmeric. 
Cushyprobably from Hindi khushi,  - Urdu "easy, happy, soft" [ultimately from Persian]. But some sources suggest an origin from "cushion"
Dacoit from Hindi  Dakait, a robber belonging to an armed gang.
dalfrom Hindi dal meaning "split pulse" 
Das from Sanskrit  daasa, a slave or servant.
Datura from Hindi  dhatura "jimson weed" which is ultimately from Sanskrit  dhatturah, a kind of flowering plant.
Dekko From Hindi dekho, "look"from  Dekho, the imperative 'look', ( ) meaning look at or study something. (UK slang for 'a look')
Deodar from Hindi  deodar which comes from Sanskrit  devadaru, a kind of tree.
Deva from Sanskrit  deva, which means "a god", similar to Latin deus, which means 'god'.
Devi from Sanskrit  devi, which means "a goddess".
Dhal from Hindi  dal which comes from Sanskrit  dalah, meaning cotyledon of a pea pod, a type of Indian food. Also refers to lentils.
Dharma from Pali  dhamma and Sanskrit meaning "conformity to one's duty and nature" and "divine law".
Dhoti from Hindi ultimately from Sanskrit  dhunoti, traditional garment of men's wear in India.
Dhurrie From HindiA flat woven cotton carpet
Dinghy from Hindi and Bengali  dingi "a tiny boat", which is probably from Sanskrit  dronam.A rowing boat
Dolly from the Hindi word dali.a gift or presentation of fruit, flowers, vegetables or sweets, sometimes arranged in a basket or tray.
Doolallyfrom the town of Deolali, where British troops were stationed before returning to England and developed "camp fever" from boredommad, insane
Dungaree from Hindi dungri, a place-name.A coarse cotton fabric that was traditionally worn by the poor.
Durbar from Hindi and Persian durbar. The court of an Indian prince.a ceremonial audience chamber. 
eka (chemical prefix)from Sanksrit eka which means "one" 
Ganja from Hindi "Elephant bull" ultimately from Sanskrit  ganja, which means "hemp".
Garam Masalafrom Hindi and Urdu  a  garam masaalaa, literally "warm ( = hot) mixture".
Gaur from Hindi "white" which comes from Sanskrit  gaurah.
Gavial from Hindi  ghariyal which Is ultimately from Sanskrit  ghantikah, a kind of crocodile.
Gayal from Sanskrit  gauh which entered English through Bengali , a kind of animal.
Gharry from Sanskrit  gartah. Entered English via Hindi gaadi, a kind of vehicle.
ghatfrom Hindi ghat which means "quay" 
Ghee from Hindi which is ultimately from Sanskrit  ghritam "sprinkling".
gingerfrom Tamil  inciver which is the combined form of  inci = ginger and  ver = root. May be also from Sanskrit shringaveram "horn-bodied" 
godownfrom Tamil Kittangi (kidangu/kodangu) which means 'store room', Kannada gadangu and Telugu gidangi. May have entered English via Malay gudang.
Gondwanalandfrom Sanskrit gondavana, the name of a forest.
Guar from Hindi which is ultimately from Sanskrit  gopali, an annual legume.
Gunny from Hindi which is ultimately from Sanskrit  goni "sack".
Gurkha from Nepalese  gorkha, which is ultimately from Sanskrit  goraksa, "a cowherd".
Gurufrom Hindi guru "teacher, priest,". Ultimately from Sanskrit guru-s "one to be honored, teacher," literally "heavy, weighty,"an expert in a field.
Gymkhana from Urdu & Hindi gend-khana (ball-house) .khanah  in Persian means "house, dwelling". The term originally referred to a place where sporting events and contests were held to test the skill of the competitors. In English-speaking countries, a gymkhana refers to a multi-game equestrian event performed to display the training and talents of horses and their rider
Hanuman from Hindi which is ultimately from Sanskrit Hanuman (), name of a Hindu mythological God.
Hare Krishna from Sanskrit Hare () "oh God!" and Krishna (), name of Hindu god.
harijanfrom Sanksrit harijana which is a combination of Hari "Vishnu" + -jana "community" 
hatha yogafrom Sanksrit hatha which means "force, violence" and yoga 
Himalaya from Sanskrit  himalayah, which means "adode of snow".
Hindi from Hindi  Hind which is ultimately from Sanskrit  sindhu, which means "a river". Entered English via Persian  Hindu "Sind".
Hindufrom Hindi Hindu which means "an Indian". Comes from Persian hind which was used to denote people from Sindh.
hookah from Urdu hukkah which comes from Arabic huqqah; "vase, bottle".
howdahfrom Urdu haudah which came from Arabic haudaj.
I am from Sanskrit Aham
Jackal from Sanskrit  srgalah "the howler" and Middle Indic shagal, which later became Persian  shaghal and Turkish chakal.
jackfruitfrom the Malayalam and Tamil name for the fruit chakka (). The word entered English through Portuguese jaca.
Jaconetmodification of Sanskrit jagannaath, from Jagannath (Puri), [India], where such cloth was first made.
Jaggeryfrom Sanskrit  sarkara and Tamil/Malayalam  chakkara which was later transformed to Portuguese jagara, jagre.
Jaggery from Malayalam  chakkara which came from Sanskrit  sarkara which was derived from proto-Dravidian. Entered English through Portuguese jagara, jagre. 
Jinnah capNamed after Pakistani statesman Muhammad Ali Jinnah.A hat shaped like a fez but made of real or imitation karakul and worn by Pakistani Muslims on occasion. It is called a "Karakulli topi" (Topi meaning cap).
JodhpursNamed after the Indian city of Jodhpur , where similar garments are worn by Indian men as part of everyday dress.Full-length trousers, worn for horseback riding, that are close-fitting below the knee and have reinforced patches on the inside of the leg.
Jodhpurs Riding breeches that fit close to the leg from the knee to the ankle. These are worn with a low pair of boots. They are modelled after similar trousers worn in Jodhpur in Rajasthan. 
Juggernaut from Hindi and sanskrit Jagannath (Sanskrit:  jagannatha), a form of Vishnu particularly worshipped at the Jagannath Temple, Puri, Odisha where during Rath Yatra festival thousands of devotees pull temple carts some 14m (45 feet) tall, weighing hundreds of tons through the streets. Early European visitors witnessed these festivals and returned with reports of religious fanatics committing suicide by throwing themselves under the wheels of the carts. A metaphor for something immense and unstoppable because of institutional or physical inertia; or impending catastrophe that is foreseeable yet virtually unavoidable because of such inertia.
Jungle from Hindi  jangal "a desert, forest" which came from Sanskrit  jangal, which means "arid".
Jute from Bengali  jhuto which is ultimately from Sanskrit  juta-s, which means "twisted hair".
kabaddiFrom the Tamil word (-) "kai" (hand), "pidi" (catch), which can be translated into "Holding Hands"
Kama Sutrafrom Sanksrit kama "love" and sutra 'rein or technique'.
Karma from Sanskrit  karma, which means "work, fate".
Kedgeree probably from Sanskrit  krusar.A dish of recooked fish, served for breakfast.
Kermes from Sanskrit  krumija meaning "worm-made." which later became Persian  qermez , Arabic:  qirmiz and French Kermes.
Khakifrom Hindi  khaki "of dust colour, dusty, grey", Urdu [ultimately from Persian].
khalsafrom Urdu khalicah which comes from Arabic khalic; "pure, real".
Kos from Hindi  kos which is ultimately from Sanskrit  krosah, which means "a call, a shout".
Krait from Hindi  karait which is ultimately from Sanskrit , a kind of snake.
Kshatriyafrom Sanksrit kshatriya; 'the ruling class' which comes from  kshatra; "rule, authority".
Lac, lakhfrom Sanskrit  laksha and Prakrit  lakkha which became Hindi  lakh Persian  and came to English through Urdu .,
Lacquer from Sanskrit  laksha which became Arabic  lakk, Portuguese Laca and French Laque.resin
Langur from Sanskrit  langulam. Enterd English through Hindi.
Lantern from Urdu Lal ten , meaning 'lighting device'.
lascarfromUrdu lashkar "army'. Entered English through Portuguese.
Lilac from Sanskrit  nila, which means "dark blue". Later became Persian  nilak meaning "bluish" and entered English throughArabic  lilak.
lingamfrom Sanskrit linga which means "distinctive mark, penis" 
Loot from Sanskrit  lota-m or  lunthati meaning "he steals". Entered English through Hindi  loot, which means 'a booty, stolen thing'.
Madras A colourful plaid-patterned textile made of silk or cotton, or both, and coloured with vegetable dyes. It takes its name from the southern city of Madras. 
Maharajah from Hindi which is ultimately from Sanskrit  maha-raajan, which means "a great king".
Maharani from Hindi which is ultimately from Sanskrit  maharajni which means "consort of a maharajah".
Maharishi from Sanskrit  maha-rishi, which means 'a great sage'.
Mahatma from Sanskrit  mahatman, which means "a great breath, soul".
Mahayana from Sanskrit  maha-yana, which means "a great vehicle".
Mahout from Hindi (variant of ) which is ultimately from Sanskrit  mahamatrah.
Mandala from Sanskrit  mandala, which means "a disc, circle".
Mandarin from Hindi  mantri "a councillor" which is ultimately from Sanskrit  mantri, which means "an advisor". Came to English from Portuguese mandarim.
Mango derived from Tamil "Maangaay" a Tamil word for an unripe mango.
mangofrom Tamil  maangaai and Malayalam 'maangaai' where maa=big and kaai=unripe fruit.
Mantra from Sanskrit  mantra which means "a holy message, chanting or text".
Maya from Sanskrit  maya, a religious term which means 'illusion'.
Mithras from Sanskrit  mitrah, which means "a friend".
Mogulfrom Hindi and Urdu. from the Persian rulers of India like Akbar and Shah Jahan, the builder of the Taj Mahal.An acknowledged leader in a field,
Moksha from Sanskrit  moksha, liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth, heaven.
mongoosefrom Marathi mangoos and Telugu mangisu 
Moringafrom Tamil and Malayalam  murungai , the word for drumstick.
Mugger from Hindi and Urdu  magar which ultimately comes from Sanskrit  makara, a sea creature like a crocodile, which attacks stealthily.
mullahfrom Urdu mulla which comes from Arabic mawla 
mulligatawnyfrom Tamil  milagu-tanneer from milagu black pepper and tanneer, waterA curry-flavoured soup.
MultanNamed after the Pakistani town of Multan. A kind of rug prevalent there.
Mung bean from Hindi  mug Tamil mungu, and Pali/Prakrit  mugga which ultimately comes from Sanskrit  mudgah, a kind of bean.
Musk from Sanskrit  muska-s meaning 'testicle', from a diminutive of  mus (mouse). It was transformed to Persian  mushk and then to and Late Greek  moskhos. Entered Middle English as muske from Middle French musc which in turn came from Late Latin Muscus.
Mynah from Hindi  maina and Sanskrit  madana-s, which means "love".
nabob from Urdu nawwab "deputy governor".Entered English through French.
Nainsook from Hindi  nainsukh and Urdu which are ultimately from Sanskrit  nayanam-sukh, meaning "pleasing to the eyes".
Namaste from Hindi namasthe which is ultimately from Sanskrit  namaha-te, which means "I bow to you".
nanfrom Hindi nan.
narcfrom Romani nak "nose" 
Nard from Sanskrit  naladam which later became Greek  nardos and Latin nardus. Entered English through Old French narde.
Narghile from Sanskrit  naarikelah. Entered English through French Narguile and Persian  narghileh.
Nark from Hindi  nak which is ultimately from Sanskrit  nakra. Came to English from Romany nak "a nose".
navigatepossibly from Tamil (navai) which came to Middle English as navigate, through Latin navigo, from navis (ship) + ago (do), from Proto-Indo-European where nau maens 'boat'.
Neem through Hindi  nim ultimately from Sanskrit  nimbah, a kind of tree.
Nilgai from Hindi  nilgaai meaning blue cow which is ultimately from Sanskrit  nila-gauh, an ox-like animal.
Nirvana from Sanskrit  nirvana-s which means "extinction, blowing out".
onefrom Tamil word onnu which means 'one'. Tamil people pronounce onnu almost similary to one in English
Opal from Sanskrit  upalah.Came to English through French opalle which in turn came from Latin opalus and Greek  opallios.
Orangefrom Tamil  narantham (orange), or  naarangam (mandarin-orange), with + =  naaraththangaay. Later it was transformed to Sanskrit  naranga, Persian  narang, Arabic  naranj, Italian arancia, Latin orenge, and Old French orenge.
pagodaperhaps from Tamil pagavadi (house belonging to a deity) and Sanskrit bhagavati (goddess) or from Portuguese pagode which comes from a corruption of Persian butkada (but=idol + kada=dwelling).
Pajamas, Pyjamasfrom Hindi pajamas "Leg clothing" and Urdu payjamah which comes from Persian pay "foot" + jamah "garment".A pair of loose trousers tied at the waist.
palanquinfrom Sanskrit palyanka; "bed". Later became Javanese pelangki and entered English through Portuguese
Palmyrafrom Tamil Pannamarrum/Pannai, (Marram = Tree)
pandalfrom Tamil  pandhal.
pariahfrom Tamil  paraiyar, plural of  paraiyan "drummer".outcast
pariahdomfrom Tamil paraiyar, plural of paraiyan ( a caste whose members are drummers ). The name of the caste is derived from parai, a festival drum.
Pashminafrom Hindi , Urdu , ultimately from Persian .
patchoulifrom Tamil pachchai  (green), and ellai  (leaf).A small southeast Asian shrub.
pepperfrom Sanskrit pippali; "berry". Entered English through Latin.
Polo The game of hockey on horseback originated in Persia. It was played in the extreme west of the Himalayas till it was adopted in Calcutta around 1864, and quickly spread across the lower provinces, and to Kashmir, where summer visitors took it up. It soon made its way to England where it was first played in 1871, and later, to the US. 
poonfrom Tamil punnai, pinnai, Malayalam punna names for Calophyllum inophyllum
Poorifrom Hindi poori, from Sanskrit  (pura) or "cake".
poppadom, papadum from Malayalam or Tamil  pappatam, which ultimately comes from Sanskrit  parpata (a kind of thin cake made of rice or pease-meal and baked in grease). Entered English via Hindi-Urdu or Punjabi.
portia treefrom Tamil  puvarasu, a kind of flowering tree.
Prakritfrom Sanskrit prakrta which means "natural, vulgar" 
prizefrom Tamil parisu
Pukka from Hindi Pakka , cooked, ripe, solid.UK slang for 'genuine'.
Punchfrom Hindi and Urdu panch , meaning "five". The drink was originally made with five ingredients: alcohol, sugar, lemon, water, and tea or spices. The original drink was named paantsch.A kind of drink.
Pundit from Hindi  Pandit, meaning a learned scholar or Priest.
Punkah From Hindi pankah; 'fan'
Purdah A Hindi word from the Persian parda, an area in the house reserved for women and screened from the sight of men by a curtain. 
purdah from Hindi and Urdu pardah "veil, curtain". Derived from the Persian parda, an area in the house for women that was screened from the sight of men by a curtain. 
putteefrom Hindi patti "band(age)" which is derived from Sanskrit patta "bandage".
Raga from Sanskrit  ragah, color, passion, melody". Used to denote melodic modes used in Indian classical music. Came to English via Hindi.
Raita from Sanskrit  rajikatiktakah. Came to English via Hindi  rayta, a south Asian condiment and side dish made of yogurt and vegetables.
Raj from Hindi and Pali/Prakrit  rajja ultimately from Sanskrit  rajya, which means "a king" or "kingdom." Raj means kingdom or domain of a ruler.
Rajah from Hindi and Sanskrit  rajan, which means "a king".
rakshasafrom Sanskrit rakshasa which means "demon". Derived from rakshas; "to be guarded against".
Ramtil from Hindi and ultimately from Sanskrit  ramatilah, which means "a dark sesame".
Rani from Hindi which is ultimately from Sanskrit  rajni, consort of a rajah.
Rice from Sanskrit  vrihi-s (rice), derived from proto-Dravidian which can be found in Tamil as  arici. Entered English via Old French ris and Italian riso from Latin oriza, which is from Greek  oryza, where it came through an Indo-Iranian tongue.
Rotifrom Hindi & Urdu   roti "bread"; akin to Prakrit  rotta "rice flour", Sanskrit  rotika "kind of bread".
Rupee from Hindi  rupiya which is ultimately from Sanskrit  rupyakam, an Indian silver coin.
Rye from Sanskrit  raja; a gypsy. Entered English via Romani.
Saccharofrom Sanskrit  sarkara and Pali  sakkhara which became Greek . Came intoEnglish via Latin Saccharon.
Sadhu from Sanskrit  sadhu meaning "good man."
sahibfrom Urdu sahib which comes from Arabic cahib "friend" 
Samadhi from Sanskrit  samadhi, which means "putting together".
Sambal from Sanskrit  sambhrei which underwent transformation as Tamil  campal. Entered English through Afrikaans where it came from Indonesian.
Sambar form Hindi ultimately and Sanskrit  sambarah, a kind of Asian deer.
samosafrom Hindi samosa 
Samsara from Sanskrit  sam-sara, which means "passing through".
Sandal, sandalwoodfrom Sanskrit  chandanam meaning 'wood for burning incense'. This word means sandalwood, and is not related to sandals which is a type of footwear. Entered  Middle English as sandell from French sandale which in turn came from Medieval Latin sandalum, Medieval Greek  sandalion and Arabic and Persian ;
Sandhi from Sanskrit  samdhih; "junction' - a wide variety of phonological processes.
Sangha from Sanskrit  sangha, a community of Buddhist monks and nuns.
Sanskrit from Sanskrit  samskrtam "put together, perfected, well-formed".
Sapphire from Sanskrit  sanipriya which literally means 'Sacred to Saturn (Shani)'. The word underwent many transformations as Hebrew sapir, Greek  sappheiros, Latin sapphirus, and finally entered English via Old French saphir.
Sari from Hindi sari and Prakrit  sadi, finally from Sanskrit  sati "garment".
Sarong from Sanksrit saranga "variegated". An old Indian form of dress. Entered English through Malay sarung.The chief form of dress in Java and Malaya. 
Sattva from Sanskrit  sattvah, which means "truth".
Satyagraha from Sanskrit  satyagraha, which means "insisting on truth". Combined form of satya "truth" + graha "pertinacity" 
sepoyfrom Urdu sipahi "horseman" which comes from Persian sipah "army" 
serpentfrom Tamil 'Sarppam'.
Shaman from Sanskrit  sramana-s  and Prakrit "a Buddhist monk". Entered English through Russian  which in turn came from Tungus shaman, and Chinese  sha men,
ShampooDerived from Hindi and Hindustani champo (),the imperative form of champna, to knead and press the muscles with the view of relieving fatigue.
ShawlFrom Urdu and Persian sal, probably from Shaliat, the name of a town in India. May be also from from Sanskrit  satI, which means "a strip of cloth". Entered English through Persian  shal.A piece of fabric worn by women over the shoulders or head or wrapped around a baby.
shrifrom Sanskrit sri "Lakshmi" which also means prosperity.
shrub (drink), Sherbet, Sorbetfrom Urdu name of a drink which comes from Arabic shurb "beverage, juice". Derived from shariba; "drink". 
Siddha from Sanskrit  siddhah, which means "achieved, accomplished".
Sikh from Hindi  sikh 'a disciple', which is ultimately from Sanskrit  sikshati which means "studies".
Singapore from Sanskrit  Simhapuram, literally "the lion city". Came to English language from Malay Singapura.
Singhfrom Sanskrit  simhah which means 'a lion', and Tamil  singam. Entered English via Hindi  Singh.
Sinhala from Sanskrit  Simhala which means "Sri Lanka".
Sinhalese from Sanskrit  simhala which means "of lions".
sitarfrom Hindi sitar which originally meant"three-stringed".
somafrom Sanskrit soma; 'Vedic liquor'.
Sri Lankafrom Sanskrit:   which means "venerable island."
Stupa from Sanskrit  stupah which means "crown of the head".
Sudrafrom Sanskrit sudra 
sugarfrom Tamil  sakkarai and Sanskrit  sharkara which means "ground or candied sugar". The word was later transformed to Persian  shakar, Arabic:  sukkar, Medieval Latin succarum, Italian zucchero, and entered English from Old French sucre.
Sunn from Hindi which is ultimately from Sanskrit  sana, a kind of Asian plant.
Sutra from Sanskrit  sutram which means "thread, string".
Suttee from Sanskrit  sati, which means "an honorable woman". Entered English through Hindi.
Swami from Sanskrit  svami, which means "a master". Entered English through Hindi  swami.
Swastika from Sanskrit  svastika, which means "one associated with well-being, a lucky charm that gives well-being".
Taka from Sanskrit  tankah. Entered English through Maithili and Bengali
Talipot from Sanskrit  talapatram, a kind of tree. Came to English through Hindi, Indonesian and Malay talipat.
tandoorfrom Urdu tandur which comes from Turkish tandir and Arabic tannur "oven" .
tankpossibly from Gujarati tankh which means 'water reservoir' 
Tantra from Sanskrit  tantram, which means "weave".
teakfrom Malayalam  thekku, and Tamil  thekku. Entered English via Portuguese teca.
Teapoyfrom Hindi  tipai and Urdu  tipai,which originated as a Sanskrit compound of tri, (three) and pada (foot).
Tendu from Sanskrit and Hindi  tainduka. Came to English via French
Thug from Marathi  and Hindi  thag which is ultimately from Sanskrit  sthaga, meaning 'a scoundrel'.
tikkafrom Hindi tikka.
Til from Sanskrit  tilah, a kind of plant.
Toddy from Hindi  tari and Sanskrit  tala, a Dravidian origin is also probable.
Toddy (also Hot toddy) from Hindi Tari , juice of the palm tree.
Tola from Sanskrit  tula; 'the scale' and Hindi tola, a traditional Indian unit of mass.
Toon from Hindi  tun and Sanskrit  tunnah, a kind of tree.
Tope from Hindi  top probably from Prakrit  thupo, which came from Sanskrit  stupah.
tutenagfrom Tamil  thuthanaagam meaning "raw zinc".
Tutty from Sanskrit  tuttham meaning "blue vitriol". A Dravidian origin is also probable. Entered Middle English as tutie from Old French, which in turn came from Medieval Latin tutia, Arabic  tutiya, and Persian .
Typhoonfrom Hindi and Urdu  toofaan. A cyclonic storm.
Upanishad from Sanskrit Upanishad. A combination of upa "near" + nishad "lie down".
vedafrom Sanskrit veda "knowledge".
verandah or verandafrom Tamil  veruntharai - Verum (empty) + tharai (floor or space) - A roofed open gallery.
vetiverfrom Tamil  vettiver; a tropical Indian grass; Botanical name: Vetiveria zizanioides; its aromatic roots are used for weaving screens and baskets and the oil in perfumery (source: AHD)
Vimana from Sanskrit  vimana meaning plane, also used to refer to the top of the temple tower, sanctum santorum.
Vina from Sanskrit  veena and Hindi  veena, a kind of musical instrument.
vindaloofrom Hindi and Portuguese vin d'alho "wine with garlic" 
vivid  from Sanskrit " vividh, meaning 'various'.
wallah from Hindi -wala.
Wanderoo from Sanskrit  vanarah, a kind of monkey. Entered English through Sinhalese.A kind of monkey
Wat from Sanskrit  vatah meaning "an enclosure." Came to English through Thai
Yoga through Hindi  ultimately from Sanskrit  yoga-s, which means "yoke, union".ancient spiritual practices common in India that have become internationally popularized.
Yogi from Hindi  yogi and Sanskrit  yogin, one who practices yoga or ascetic.
yonifrom Sanskrit yoni "abode, womb" 
Zen from Pali  jhana and Sanskrit  dhyana, which means "a meditation". The word graually got transformed through Japanese  and Chinese  Chan.

Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases Yiddish Words in English

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