Do fears and phobias hound you? From the fear of insects to that of washing, most people are afraid of one thing or the other. Even the most courageous of men; warriors, dictators and fighter pilots – have been found to be afraid of silly things like cockroaches and rats. The great Napoleon Bonaparte had a fear of cats. Hitler, Mussolini and Julius Caesar also suffered from Ailurophobia, an irrational fear of cats. Perhaps the commonest of all fears is stage fright. Whatever your phobia, there is always a name for it, and in this article we have listed almost all of them.
How to overcome fears and phobias: It is always a good thing to remember Franklin D. Roosevelt’s words: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” There are also people who practice counterphobia; instead of fleeing from the source of your fears, you actively seek it out so that you can overcome it.
The following is an extensive list of fears and phobias that have hounded the minds of people. Search the name of the thing that you fear or dislike to find the name of the corresponding phobia.
Name of Phobia | What you are afraid of |
Ablutophobia | washing or bathing. |
Acarophobia | itching or insects that cause itching. |
Acerophobia | sourness. |
Achluophobia | darkness. |
Acousticophobia | noise. |
Acrophobia | heights. |
Aerophobia | drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances. |
Aeroacrophobia | open high places. |
Aeronausiphobia | vomiting secondary to airsickness. |
Agateophobia | insanity. |
Agliophobia | pain. |
Agoraphobia | open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. leaving a safe place. |
Agraphobia | sexual abuse. |
Agrizoophobia | wild animals. |
Agyrophobia | streets or crossing the street. |
Aichmophobia | needles or pointed objects. |
Ailurophobia | cats. |
Albuminurophobia | kidney disease. |
Alektorophobia | chickens. |
Algophobia | pain. |
Alliumphobia | garlic. |
Allodoxaphobia | opinions. |
Altophobia | heights. |
Amathophobia | dust. |
Amaxophobia | riding in a car. |
Ambulophobia | walking. |
Amnesiphobia | amnesia. |
Amychophobia | scratches or being scratched. |
Anablephobia | looking up. |
Ancraophobia | wind. |
Androphobia | men. |
Anemophobia | air drafts or wind. |
Anginophobia | angina, choking or narrowness. |
Anglophobia | England or English culture, English language, etc. |
Angrophobia | anger or of becoming angry. |
Ankylophobia | immobility of a joint. |
Anthrophobia or Anthophobia | flowers. |
Anthropophobia | people or society. |
Antlophobia | floods. |
Anuptaphobia | staying single. |
Apeirophobia | infinity. |
Aphenphosmphobia | being touched. |
Apiphobia | bees. |
Apotemnophobia | persons with amputations. |
Arachibutyrophobia | peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. |
Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia | spiders. |
Arithmophobia | numbers. |
Arrhenphobia | men. |
Arsonphobia | fire. |
Asthenophobia | fainting or weakness. |
Astraphobia or Astrapophobia | thunder and lightning. |
Astrophobia | stars or celestial space. |
Asymmetriphobia | asymmetrical things. |
Ataxiophobia | ataxia. |
Ataxophobia | disorder or untidiness. |
Atelophobia | imperfection. |
Atephobia | ruin or ruins. |
Athazagoraphobia | being forgotton or ignored or forgetting. |
Atomosophobia | atomic explosions. |
Atychiphobia | failure. |
Aulophobia | flutes. |
Aurophobia | gold. |
Auroraphobia | Northern lights. |
Autodysomophobia | one that has a vile odor. |
Automatonophobia | ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being. |
Automysophobia | being dirty. |
Autophobia | being alone or of oneself. |
Aviophobia or Aviatophobia | flying. |
Bacillophobia | microbes. |
Bacteriophobia | bacteria. |
Ballistophobia | missiles or bullets. |
Bolshephobia | Bolsheviks. |
Barophobia | gravity. |
Basophobia or Basiphobia | walking or falling. Inability to stand. |
Bathmophobia | stairs or steep slopes. |
Bathophobia | depth. |
Batophobia | heights or being close to high buildings. |
Batrachophobia | amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc. |
Belonephobia | pins and needles. |
Bibliophobia | books. |
Blennophobia | slime. |
Bogyphobia | bogeys or the bogeyman. |
Botanophobia | plants. |
Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia | body smells. |
Brontophobia | thunder and lightning. |
Bufonophobia | toads. |
Cacophobia | ugliness. |
Cainophobia or Cainotophobia | newness, novelty. |
Caligynephobia | beautiful women. |
Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia | cancer. |
Cardiophobia | the heart. |
Carnophobia | meat. |
Catagelophobia | being ridiculed. |
Catapedaphobia | jumping from high and low places. |
Cathisophobia | sitting. |
Catoptrophobia | mirrors. |
Cenophobia or Centophobia | new things or ideas. |
Ceraunophobia or Keraunophobia | thunder and lightning. |
Chaetophobia | hair. |
Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia | cold. |
Chemophobia | chemicals or working with chemicals. |
Cherophobia | gaiety. |
Chionophobia | snow. |
Chiraptophobia | being touched. |
Chirophobia | hands. |
Chiroptophobia | bats. |
Cholerophobia | anger or the cholera. |
Chorophobia | dancing. |
Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia | money. |
Chromophobia or Chromatophobia | colors. |
Chronophobia | time. |
Chronomentrophobia | clocks. |
Cibophobia | food. |
Claustrophobia | confined spaces. |
Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia | being locked in an enclosed place. |
Cleptophobia | stealing. |
Climacophobia | stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs. |
Clinophobia | going to bed. |
Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia | being enclosed. |
Cnidophobia | stings. |
Cometophobia | comets. |
Coimetrophobia | cemeteries. |
Coitophobia | coitus. |
Contreltophobia | sexual abuse. |
Coprastasophobia | constipation. |
Coprophobia | feces. |
Consecotaleophobia | chopsticks. |
Coulrophobia | clowns. |
Cremnophobia | precipices. |
Cryophobia | extreme cold, ice or frost. |
Crystallophobia | crystals or glass. |
Cyberphobia | computers or working on a computer. |
Cyclophobia | bicycles. |
Cymophobia or Kymophobia | waves or wave like motions. |
Cynophobia | dogs or rabies. |
Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia | prostitutes or venereal disease. |
Decidophobia | making decisions. |
Defecaloesiophobia | painful bowels movements. |
Deipnophobia | dining or dinner conversations. |
Dementophobia | insanity. |
Demonophobia or Daemonophobia | demons. |
Demophobia | crowds. |
Dendrophobia | trees. |
Dentophobia | dentists. |
Dermatophobia | skin lesions. |
Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia | skin disease. |
Dextrophobia | objects at the right side of the body. |
Diabetophobia | diabetes. |
Didaskaleinophobia | going to school. |
Dikephobia | justice. |
Dinophobia | dizziness or whirlpools. |
Diplophobia | double vision. |
Dipsophobia | drinking. |
Dishabiliophobia | undressing in front of someone. |
Disposophobia | throwing stuff out. Hoarding. |
Domatophobia | houses or being in a house. |
Doraphobia | fur or skins of animals. |
Doxophobia | expressing opinions or of receiving praise. |
Dromophobia | crossing streets. |
Dutchphobia | the Dutch. |
Dysmorphophobia | deformity. |
Dystychiphobia | accidents. |
Ecclesiophobia | church. |
Ecophobia | home. |
Eicophobia | home surroundings. |
Eisoptrophobia | mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. |
Electrophobia | electricity. |
Eleutherophobia | freedom. |
Elurophobia | cats. |
Emetophobia | vomiting. |
Enetophobia | pins. |
Enochlophobia | crowds. |
Enosiophobia or Enissophobia | having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism. |
Entomophobia | insects. |
Eosophobia | dawn or daylight. |
Ephebiphobia | teenagers. |
Epistaxiophobia | nosebleeds. |
Epistemophobia | knowledge. |
Equinophobia | horses. |
Eremophobia | being oneself or of lonliness. |
Ereuthrophobia | blushing. |
Ergasiophobia | work or functioning, operating (for a surgeon) . |
Ergophobia | work. |
Erotophobia | sexual love or sexual questions. |
Euphobia | hearing good news. |
Eurotophobia | female genitalia. |
Erythrophobia or Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia | redlights, blushing, or red colour. |
Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia | fever. |
Felinophobia | cats. |
Francophobia | France or French culture. |
Frigophobia | cold or cold things. |
Galeophobia or Gatophobia | cats. |
Gallophobia or Galiophobia | Fear France or French culture. |
Gamophobia | marriage. |
Geliophobia | laughter. |
Gelotophobia | being laughed at. |
Geniophobia | chins. |
Genophobia | sex. |
Genuphobia | knees. |
Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia | crossing bridges. |
Germanophobia | Germany or German culture. |
Gerascophobia | growing old. |
Gerontophobia | old people or of growing old. |
Geumaphobia or Geumophobia | taste. |
Glossophobia | speaking in public or of trying to speak. |
Gnosiophobia | knowledge. |
Graphophobia | writing or handwriting. |
Gymnophobia | nudity. |
Gynephobia or Gynophobia | women. |
Hadephobia | hell. |
Hagiophobia | saints or holy things. |
Hamartophobia | sinning. |
Haphephobia or Haptephobia | being touched. |
Harpaxophobia | being robbed. |
Hedonophobia | feeling pleasure. |
Heliophobia | the sun. |
Hellenologophobia | Greek terms or complex scientific terminology. |
Helminthophobia | being infested with worms. |
Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia | blood. |
Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia | challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation. |
Herpetophobia | reptiles or creepy, crawly things. |
Heterophobia | the opposite sex. |
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia | the number 666. |
Hierophobia | priests or sacred things. |
Hippophobia | horses. |
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia | long words. |
Hobophobia | bums or beggars. |
Hodophobia | road travel. |
Hormephobia | shock. |
Homichlophobia | fog. |
Homilophobia | sermons. |
Hominophobia | men. |
Homophobia | sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual. |
Hoplophobia | firearms. |
Hydrargyophobia | mercurial medicines. |
Hydrophobia | water or of rabies. |
Hydrophobophobia | rabies. |
Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia | glass. |
Hygrophobia | liquids, dampness, or moisture. |
Hylephobia | materialism or the epilepsy. |
Hylophobia | forests. |
Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia | responsibility. |
Hypnophobia | sleep or of being hypnotized. |
Hypsiphobia | height. |
Iatrophobia | going to the doctor or of doctors. |
Ichthyophobia | fish. |
Ideophobia | ideas. |
Illyngophobia | vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. |
Iophobia | poison. |
Insectophobia | insects. |
Isolophobia | solitude, being alone. |
Isopterophobia | termites, insects that eat wood. |
Ithyphallophobia | seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis. |
Japanophobia | Japanese. |
Judeophobia | Jews. |
Kainolophobia or Kainophobia | anything new, novelty. |
Kakorrhaphiophobia | failure or defeat. |
Katagelophobia | ridicule. |
Kathisophobia | sitting down. |
Katsaridaphobia | cockroaches. |
Kenophobia | voids or empty spaces. |
Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia | thunder and lightning. |
Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia | movement or motion. |
Kleptophobia | stealing. |
Koinoniphobia | rooms. |
Kolpophobia | genitals, particularly female. |
Kopophobia | fatigue. |
Koniophobia | dust. |
Kosmikophobia | cosmic phenomenon. |
Kymophobia | waves. |
Kynophobia | rabies. |
Kyphophobia | stooping. |
Lachanophobia | vegetables. |
Laliophobia or Lalophobia | speaking. |
Leprophobia or Lepraphobia | leprosy. |
Leukophobia | the color white. |
Levophobia | things to the left side of the body. |
Ligyrophobia | loud noises. |
Lilapsophobia | tornadoes and hurricanes. |
Limnophobia | lakes. |
Linonophobia | string. |
Liticaphobia | lawsuits. |
Lockiophobia | childbirth. |
Logizomechanophobia | computers. |
Logophobia | words. |
Luiphobia | lues, syphillis. |
Lutraphobia | otters. |
Lygophobia | darkness. |
Lyssophobia | rabies or of becoming mad. |
Macrophobia | long waits. |
Mageirocophobia | cooking. |
Maieusiophobia | childbirth. |
Malaxophobia | love play. |
Maniaphobia | insanity. |
Mastigophobia | punishment. |
Mechanophobia | machines. |
Medomalacuphobia | losing an erection. |
Medorthophobia | an erect penis. |
Megalophobia | large things. |
Melissophobia | bees. |
Melanophobia | the color black. |
Melophobia | Fear or hatred of music. |
Meningitophobia | brain disease. |
Menophobia | menstruation. |
Merinthophobia | being bound or tied up. |
Metallophobia | metal. |
Metathesiophobia | changes. |
Meteorophobia | meteors. |
Methyphobia | alcohol. |
Metrophobia | Fear or hatred of poetry. |
Microbiophobia | microbes. |
Microphobia | small things. |
Misophobia or Mysophobia | being contaminated with dirt or germs. |
Mnemophobia | memories. |
Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia | dirt or contamination. |
Monophobia | solitude or being alone. |
Monopathophobia | definite disease. |
Motorphobia | automobiles. |
Mottephobia | moths. |
Musophobia or Muriphobia | mice. |
Mycophobia | Fear or aversion to mushrooms. |
Mycrophobia | small things. |
Myctophobia | darkness. |
Myrmecophobia | ants. |
Mythophobia | myths or stories or false statements. |
Myxophobia | slime. |
Nebulaphobia | fog. |
Necrophobia | death or dead things. |
Nelophobia | glass. |
Neopharmaphobia | new drugs. |
Neophobia | anything new. |
Nephophobia | clouds. |
Noctiphobia | the night. |
Nomatophobia | names. |
Nosocomephobia | hospitals. |
Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia | becoming ill. |
Nostophobia | returning home. |
Novercaphobia | your step-mother. |
Nucleomituphobia | nuclear weapons. |
Nudophobia | nudity. |
Numerophobia | numbers. |
Nyctohylophobia | dark wooded areas or of forests at night |
Nyctophobia | the dark or of night. |
Obesophobia | gaining weight. |
Ochlophobia | crowds or mobs. |
Ochophobia | vehicles. |
Octophobia | the figure 8. |
Odontophobia | teeth or dental surgery. |
Odynophobia or Odynephobia | pain. |
Oenophobia | wines. |
Oikophobia | home surroundings, house. |
Olfactophobia | smells. |
Ombrophobia | rain or of being rained on. |
Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia | eyes. |
Omphalophobia | belly buttons. |
Oneirophobia | dreams. |
Oneirogmophobia | wet dreams. |
Onomatophobia | hearing a certain word or of names. |
Ophidiophobia | snakes. |
Ophthalmophobia | being stared at. |
Opiophobia | Fear medical doctors experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients. |
Optophobia | opening one's eyes. |
Ornithophobia | birds. |
Orthophobia | property. |
Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia | smells or odors. |
Ostraconophobia | shellfish. |
Ouranophobia or Uranophobia | heaven. |
Pagophobia | ice or frost. |
Panthophobia | suffering and disease. |
Panophobia or Pantophobia | everything. |
Papaphobia | the Pope. |
Papyrophobia | paper. |
Paralipophobia | neglecting duty or responsibility. |
Paraphobia | sexual perversion. |
Parasitophobia | parasites. |
Paraskavedekatriaphobia | Friday the 13th. |
Parthenophobia | virgins or young girls. |
Pathophobia | disease. |
Patroiophobia | heredity. |
Parturiphobia | childbirth. |
Peccatophobia | sinning or imaginary crimes. |
Pediculophobia | lice. |
Pediophobia | dolls. |
Pedophobia | children. |
Peladophobia | bald people. |
Pellagrophobia | pellagra. |
Peniaphobia | poverty. |
Pentheraphobia | mother-in-law. |
Phagophobia | swallowing or of eating or of being eaten. |
Phalacrophobia | becoming bald. |
Phallophobia | a penis, esp erect. |
Pharmacophobia | taking medicine. |
Phasmophobia | ghosts. |
Phengophobia | daylight or sunshine. |
Philemaphobia or Philematophobia | kissing. |
Philophobia | falling in love or being in love. |
Philosophobia | philosophy. |
Phobophobia | phobias. |
Photoaugliaphobia | glaring lights. |
Photophobia | light. |
Phonophobia | noises or voices or one's own voice; of telephones. |
Phronemophobia | thinking. |
Phthiriophobia | lice. |
Phthisiophobia | tuberculosis. |
Placophobia | tombstones. |
Plutophobia | wealth. |
Pluviophobia | rain or of being rained on. |
Pneumatiphobia | spirits. |
Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia | choking of being smothered. |
Pocrescophobia | gaining weight. |
Pogonophobia | beards. |
Poliosophobia | contracting poliomyelitis. |
Politicophobia | Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians. |
Polyphobia | many things. |
Poinephobia | punishment. |
Ponophobia | overworking or of pain. |
Porphyrophobia | the color purple. |
Potamophobia | rivers or running water. |
Potophobia | alcohol. |
Pharmacophobia | drugs. |
Proctophobia | rectums. |
Prosophobia | progress. |
Psellismophobia | stuttering. |
Psychophobia | mind. |
Psychrophobia | cold. |
Pteromerhanophobia | flying. |
Pteronophobia | being tickled by feathers. |
Pupaphobia | puppets. |
Pyrexiophobia | Fever. |
Pyrophobia | fire. |
Radiophobia | radiation, x-rays. |
Ranidaphobia | frogs. |
Rectophobia | rectum or rectal diseases. |
Rhabdophobia | being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also magic or the magic wand |
Rhypophobia | defecation. |
Rhytiphobia | getting wrinkles. |
Rupophobia | dirt. |
Russophobia | Russians. |
Samhainophobia | Halloween. |
Sarmassophobia | love play. |
Satanophobia | Satan. |
Scabiophobia | scabies. |
Scatophobia | fecal matter. |
Scelerophibia | bad men, burglars. |
Sciophobia Sciaphobia | shadows. |
Scoleciphobia | worms. |
Scolionophobia | school. |
Scopophobia or Scoptophobia | being seen or stared at. |
Scotomaphobia | blindness in visual field. |
Scotophobia | darkness. |
Scriptophobia | writing in public. |
Selachophobia | sharks. |
Selaphobia | light flashes. |
Selenophobia | the moon. |
Seplophobia | decaying matter. |
Sesquipedalophobia | long words. |
Sexophobia | the opposite sex. |
Siderodromophobia | trains, railroads or train travel. |
Siderophobia | stars. |
Sinistrophobia | things to the left or left handed. |
Sinophobia | Chinese, Chinese culture, Chinese language, etc. |
Sitophobia or Sitiophobia | food or eating. |
Snakephobia | snakes. |
Soceraphobia | parents in law. |
Social Phobia | being evaluated negatively in social situations. |
Sociophobia | society or people in general. |
Somniphobia | sleep. |
Sophophobia | learning. |
Soteriophobia | dependence on others. |
Spacephobia | outer space. |
Spectrophobia | specters or ghosts. |
Spermatophobia or Spermophobia | germs. |
Spheksophobia | wasps. |
Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia | standing or walking. |
Staurophobia | crosses or the crucifix. |
Stenophobia | narrow things or places. |
Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia | hell. |
Suriphobia | mice. |
Symbolophobia | symbolism. |
Symmetrophobia | symmetry. |
Syngenesophobia | relatives. |
Syphilophobia | syphilis. |
Tachophobia | speed. |
Taeniophobia or Teniophobia | tapeworms. |
Taphephobia Taphophobia | being buried alive or cemeteries. |
Tapinophobia | being contagious. |
Taurophobia | bulls. |
Technophobia | technology. |
Teleophobia | definite plans or of religious ceremonies. |
Telephonophobia | telephones. |
Teratophobia | bearing a deformed child or monsters or deformed people. |
Testophobia | taking tests. |
Tetanophobia | lockjaw, tetanus. |
Teutophobia | German or German things. |
Textophobia | certain fabrics. |
Thaasophobia | sitting. |
Thalassophobia | the sea. |
Thanatophobia or Thantophobia | death or dying. |
Theatrophobia | theatres. |
Theologicophobia | theology. |
Theophobia | gods or religion. |
Thermophobia | heat. |
Tocophobia | pregnancy or childbirth. |
Tomophobia | surgical operations. |
Tonitrophobia | thunder. |
Topophobia | certain places or situations, such as stage fright. |
Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia | poison or of being accidently poisoned. |
Traumatophobia | injury. |
Tremophobia | trembling. |
Trichinophobia | trichinosis. |
Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia | hair. |
Triskaidekaphobia | the number 13. |
Tropophobia | moving or making changes. |
Trypanophobia | injections. |
Tuberculophobia | tuberculosis. |
Tyrannophobia | tyrants. |
Uranophobia or Ouranophobia | heaven. |
Urophobia | urine or urinating. |
Vaccinophobia | vaccination. |
Venustraphobia | beautiful women. |
Verbophobia | words. |
Verminophobia | germs. |
Vestiphobia | clothing. |
Virginitiphobia | rape. |
Vitricophobia | step-father. |
Walloonphobia | the Walloons. |
Wiccaphobia | witches and witchcraft. |
Xanthophobia | the color yellow or the word yellow. |
Xenoglossophobia | foreign languages. |
Xenophobia | strangers or foreigners. |
Xerophobia | dryness. |
Xylophobia | wooden objects or forests. |
Xyrophobia | razors. |
Zelophobia | jealousy. |
Zeusophobia | God or gods. |
Zemmiphobia | the great mole rat. |
Zoophobia | animals. |