A Speech on Punctuality

Why is punctuality so important in our life? Here is a short speech on the value of punctuality. Suitable for children aged 5-10. Everyone here knows how nice it feels to switch off the alarm clock in the morning and go back to sleep. The only thing is that it makes you late to your

Any Woman by Katharine Tynan: Summary and Analysis

Katharine Tynan’s ‘Any Woman’ is a deeply touching poem that celebrates the self-effacing love of mothers. It tells us about the cares, worries and burdens that mothers bear everywhere to hold their homes in order. The poem also reflects Tynan’s view of motherhood as the supreme gift for the sake of which she could accept

Onomatopoeia: Definition and Examples

Onomatopoeia is naming something from its own sound. Onomatopoeic words abound in English and other languages. They are words that mimic, resemble or suggest the sound that they describe. The bow-wow theory suggests that human language developed from an imitation of sounds in nature. Even though the theory is discredited today, there is no doubt

Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda: Summary and Analysis

Here is a summary and analysis of Pablo Neruda’s ‘Keeping Quiet’, a magnificent poem that makes the readers stop and think for a while. ‘Keeping Quiet’ by Pablo Neruda is a deceptively simple poem about the need for a little bit of soul-searching which may help us make peace with ourselves and others. It tells us

Spoonerisms: Funny Slips of the Tongue

Spoonerisms are funny expressions created by a transposition of the first letters or sounds of two words. They can occur unintentionally by a slip of tongue or by deliberately turning words somersault for a funny effect. Spoonerism is also known by the name metathesis. Origin of the word Spoonerism: The originator of this play with

An Analysis of Thaisa Frank’s ‘Conceptual Fruit’

Summary, analysis, and review of Conceptual Fruit by Thaisa Frank, a strange mixture of technology, sentiment, and social realism. The story appears in the collection Sleeping in Velvet. Thaisa Frank’s Conceptual Fruit is a deeply touching story that leaves a pang in the readers’ minds. It tells us about a caring father who desperately hopes

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