Gender in English: Masculine and Feminine Words

English nouns are of four types as far as gender is concerned. They are: Common gender words which denote creatures of either sex and the same word can be used for both the male and the female. Examples are words like animal, baby, bird, cat, cattle, child, companion, comrade, cousin, deer, friend, guardian, guest, infant,

Poetry Review: Middle Age by Kamala Das

Kamala Das’s ‘Middle Age’ is a deeply touching poem about the agonies of a mother. It reveals how shockingly painful it can be when you are neglected by your own children. The speaker of the poem is a mother . She thinks about her adolescent son who has come out of the cocoon of her

A Review of Langston Hughes’s As I Grew Older

Growing up for the black man in America is a truly painful process. He is made to forget all his dreams. As he comes of age he discovers that he is destined to live in the shadow of the white man who tramples over him. ‘As I Grew Older’ is a typical Langston Hughes poem

Poetry Review: Gieve Patel’s On Killing a Tree

Gieve Patel’s ‘On Killing a Tree’ is a sarcastic poem about man’s indiscriminate destruction of trees. The tree is presented as an enemy to man. Man is presented as a professional killer who thinks of all possible ways to torture the tree. The poem begins ironically, describing the crime committed by the tree. For years

The Road not Taken by Robert Frost: Summary and Analysis

Here is a summary and analysis of ‘The Road not Taken’ by Robert Frost, the celebrated poem on making choices in life. Robert Frost’s The Road not Taken is a beautiful poem about making choices in life. It discusses the very common situation of coming to the crossroads and not knowing which way to choose. Like

Poetry Review: Stephen Spender’s The Express

Stephen Spender’s ‘The Express’ glorifies the express train. The train here is a symbol of the modern industrial civilization. The glorious running of the train to its destination is vividly pictured by the poet. The whistle that announces the departure of the train is described as a manifesto. The movement of the train is like

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